Energy moves the wourld
Today a secure supply of heat and electrical energy forms in our society an increasingly important aspect. Against the background of rising energy prices and the discussions on the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and climate change, new strategies are in demand. The expansion of renewable energies is a useful way to ensure the necessary current and future energy demand. Along the way it has to be answered, among other things, the issue of base load supply and to ensure this.During the coming period until renewable energies are available in sufficient quantity and may secure the supply, fossil fuels will continue to play an important role in energy supply. To minimize the environmental impact and increase the energy output, it is necessary to enhance the degree of efficiency and thereby the efficiency of the engaged machinery. An important role plays here the combined heat and power.
GEO • ConsEnS offers the opportunity to develop sustainable energy concepts for your projects. In addition to solutions for the cover of your current energy needs we are happy to work with you on a long-term strategy to cope with future developments.
Currently our main activities are in the fields of geothermal, combined heat and power and photovoltaics. However, our observations include almost all forms of energy, such as biomass, wind energy, solar thermal energy and of course the already mentioned, building on fossil fuels, conventional energy sources.